Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Book Recommend

Hope you all had a very happy holiday. 

We were all together, ate tons of food (still eating tons of food), made huge messes and had great fun trying on Christmas Jammies

I was up late almost every night this last week and not just because of festivities.
I couldn' put this book down...
image from

Excellent book. 
It's fiction--the events and people are not real--but it portrays segregation and civil rights during the 1960s in a very human and accurate way.

Pick it up--you'll be glad you did.


  1. I read it in two days and with three little b's I had no business reading all day and night! Couldn't put it down!!! XO! What shall we read next!?!?

  2. PS I'm your newest follower! So excited about it, too!


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Sorry about the word verification--my blog was hijacked not too long ago, so now I have to take robo-cautions.


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